Make her special day most joyous!
Every young girl dreams of the night she will be ensconced in feathery petals, wispy fabrics, and dancing feet. But when she is orphaned, all those dreams are overshadowed by poverty and neglect. No bride deserves to be shamed on her special day. No bride should have to dread her own wedding, worrying if there will be a meal to serve her wedding guests.

Tov V´Chesed receives hundreds of applications annually from orphaned brides requesting assistance. With a board of rabbanim designated to look through each application, Tov V'Chesed vets each bride and selects those who would most likely get to their wedding day with no clothing or food on the table. Hundreds of weddings are funded each year, ensuring that the orphaned bride will have only blissful memories of her special day!

These brides are treated with utmost dignity and are provided with funds, paid directly to the vendors. This enables them to celebrate their most joyous day and begin married life with true joy.
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